Do you waste long time searching the files for specific information
With Surelegal You can know the summary of the file contents without opening it... 2 level file descriptions are saved on the database .
Do you want a way to add time cost to the client case when some user is dealing with the case data in the system
With Surelegal The system takes care of the work time calculation, and link it to the client case statement of account...System allows to disregard this time if the agreement indicates fixed cost.
Do you spend quite long time to aggregate the emails / attachements / correspondences / files / transactions related to a client case
With Surelegal The system controls this integration, and link all sources of the client case relatid information together... You can for example link set of files to a specific transaction (like OCF9 reception).
Do you have troubles handling the emails regarding one case when they are received by more than one employee
With Surelegal The system merges all the client case related emails from all employees and manage them even if the original emails were deleted... Individual employees can link the specific emails to specific client cases, and the system will blend them all within the client case itself even if the emplyees deleted these emails from their outlook system.
Do you spend long time searching in outlook for special client case related email or an information in the emails
With Surelegal The system preserves the emails and their attachements inside the client case database... With the 2 level contents description, the user will be able to find the file and the email which contains the information they are seeking for.
Do you spend long time trying to prepare the documents needed for a mediation/arbitration session
With Surelegal The system can provide you with the required document, and allow you to print them all using one mouse clieck... You will be able to define the needed files, and the system will print for you the request and all documents and files needed for it.
Do you need an easy way to distribute (or even estimate) the settlement amount among the different accounts within the client case
With Surelegal The system can show you right away the correct distribution of the settlement gross amount based on the agreement terms, and the client case statement of account... This includes the disbursement / medical costs / loans / interest...etc.
Do you need a full summary of a case on a mouse click to provide to a phone call
With Surelegal The system provide a case summary screen where you can check all kinds of case information... It is compact enough to provide any information about the case even while being on the phone.
Do you want to restrict some users from performing some functions and allowing others to perform them
With Surelegal The system allows the admin a full control on defining [Who can do what]... The security is group based, in other words you can create groups of similar types of users (Accountant / case managers / admins...etc.) and grant the necessary permissions to each.
Do you want to restrict access to some client cases to certain group of lawyers
With Surelegal The admin can create Teams and assign one or more teams to every client case optionally.
Are you concerned about the data you currently have before implementing SureLegal and think of how to re-enter them in the system
With Surelegal The system allows Importing cases from the filing system... System will import and distribute all related files, create all database information, create reminders, record accounting records for the case and the service providers in an easy integrated painless process.
Do you waste time in populating the OCF forms and printing it
With Surelegal You can print all OCF forms at any time based on the information that was already entered in the database...Some OFC forms can be printed directly without entering any input data.
Do you have to change your agreements term to fit the software used
With Surelegal You can define your agreement terms the way your office is using... The system is flexible enough to follow your terms, and print the agreement, and apply the terms even in settlements calculations.
Do you spend long times in constructing correspondences for different purposes
With Surelegal You can define templates of word documents, and link it to specific events (E.g. Agreement signed / OCF9 received/Case terminated...etc.), The system will create the documents and fill it with data automatically... The system provides a set of out of the box templates to be used directly.
Do you have problems remembering what to do for the client case every day
With Surelegal The reminders and the TODO will allow you a full control on what is needed to be done for client cases...You can define reminders to be created automatically when some events happens (E.g. Agreement created)... In addition, you can create Adhoc reminders and TODO actions.
Could you imagine the amont of time to create a report showing the full details of all actions happened on a clent case
With Surelegal The Client case report can be called by a single mouse click... It shows all the case actions (Agreement / OCF9/OCF13/Mediation/Arbitration/settlement/loans/change of adjuster) chronically sorted. The report is enough to explain the whole case history details.
And a lot more...