Reminders and TODO list

The system provides these functions to minimize the possibility of some action to fall from the cracks. The Reminder module is about dated case related events that the user needs to remember regarding the associated client case. TODO list is about non-timed list of actions to be followed for the case since the case is created:
The following features are provided by the system
- The user can create a reminder and set dated to activate.
- The user can query the reminder for actions required in certain period.
- The user can set the reminder as DONE when it is finished.
The following features are provided by the system
- The System provides out of the box list of TODO actions which will be automatically created for every new case. An example is Create and send a welcome letter.
- The Admin can provide an initial list of TODO actions to be automatically created for every new agreement (case).
- The user can Add to the Automatically created new case TODO list or remove from it, depending on the case.
- The user can mark any of the TODO list items as done when it is performed.