Feature Summary
Because the documents creation and management is a core functionality in the business, the system pays special attention to it by easing creation / scanning / copying of letters and documents, and documenting them for reference.
Automatic Documents and Letters Creation and Management

Documents and Letters Templates
The system provides out of the box word templates ready for use without any updates, however, the user can Edit / Create any more templates the business needs. The templates have the following features:
- Contains bookmarks to be replaced with data fields
The user needs to create bookmarks in the (.rtf) file and use the application to assign a piece of information to each bookmark. When a document (letter) is created from this template, the bookmarks will be filled with the appropriate data before printing/Saving.
- Bookmarks can be filled with variety of information
The contents of a bookmark could be a data field / calculated field / typed data / List automatically populated.
- Template can contain any images / fonts / colors...etc
- Printing the company logo and/or company name and address is optional and defined as system parameter.
- User can allocate special templates to special actions (like retainer agreement printing)
- The Templates can be duplicated
Documents Management
Documents are files added to the system. The source could be one of the following:
- Created from Templates
User can use any defined template to create a document (correspondance), save/print it.
- Scanned from paper document
The system has the facility to scan documents (one or more pages) / Save them / log them in the database for document management
- Copied from a file
The system has the facility to copy documents / Save them / log them in the database for document management